WHAT'S YOUR SUMMIT? Rattlesnake Ledge!
We climbed Rattlesnake Ledge on May 7th. It's taken me awhile to edit and post this video. For many reasons, but the main one being that it's taken me awhile to figure out what exactly I'm doing?! I still don't have it all totally worked out, and I may never have it all together. Some of what I'm doing -starting a business, starting over, hiking cliffs, and inviting people to believe in me- is just going to be a mystery unfolding, and I'm ok with that. And I'm sort of ok with taking a long time getting this video out, but my goal is to get the next one out sooner. Say by next week. ;-)
Editing this video brought me right back to the day we did this and it reinvigorated me all over again. It got me fired up and inspired to keep going and made me want to hike more with my family! It was so fun! It was also extremely challenging.
The video is long! 15 minutes! And yet, I edited out so much of it! Still, I wanted to capture the emotion and the challenge of the climb. How every foot fall, and sometimes foot munch was vital to the whole thing.
The vital parts I edited out will become out-take vids in another post. One video is us talking about this climb, and another is about how much of a hinderance my wheelchair was. Ironic, eh? We decided collectively after the second climb (next video) that it would be ideal to have a custom hiking chair made. There are already sick alternative mountain bikes made, but you can't take mountain bikes on walking/hiking trails. This would need to be more walking equivalent specific. Or that's the hope anyway.
What that means is we are looking for teammates! This could be corporate sponsors or talented individuals who see the vision and want to take part in building and/or sharing in the vision by helping us build or get a chair built. We would love to hear from anyone wanting to create a relationship with us through email at info@laceyheward.com. I can also be reached personally at laceyheward@gmail.com.
I learned so much editing this video. Since What's Your SUMMIT is all about the process, I thought about sharing some of the challenges I faced in making it in a few 'How To' vids, but I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested. If you would be, please leave a comment asking for them.
Thank you for being in-tune within.
With one voice,