Who is Brave Lace?


The Adventure

My off-road adaptive mountain bike! Isn’t it sick?! I love it so much!

I’ve lived one hell of an Adventure so far. I have experienced mountain living, paralysis, disability, close-knit family, trauma, writing songs and singing on stage with Patti LaBelle, being a world champion ski racer and Paralympic medalist, traveling to some of the best ski mountains in the US and in Europe, going through not one, but two kidney transplants, being married to a dog musher, having lots of dog babies, Getting my bachelors degree in Public Relations, LOVING adaptive Mt. Biking, losing my hair, getting Certified in Peer Recovery Support, studying to be a rockin’ Certified Life Coach, and NOW getting to share this extraordinary life experience with YOU!

As a coach, these are the life experiences I pull from and use to support and understand your experiences and where you want to go in life. It makes me feel so good knowing that the challenges and joys I’ve experienced are going to the best cause EVER! YOU!

Brave Means…

At the 2006 Paralympic Games in Italy.

Secondly, Right before my last kidney transplant, I needed an affirmation that reminded me of WHO I AM deep down in my bones. I was so SCARED, and I was struggling to tap into that, KNOWING that I’m a total badass. So, I gave myself the name because it’s how I hoped to SHOW UP!   BRAVE.

I truly understand your fear and can validate your experience. How it can be debilitating, sometimes embarrassing, and even shameful. I also know how to stick my face right in it and choose to go forward anyway. Even if it means screaming my head off, crying ‘til my eyes puff up, and humbly asking for help.

BRAVE doesn’t mean running into a bear cave on a dare just to prove something. BRAVE is Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai, Martin Luther King Jr., Frida Kahlo, Harriet Tubman, Erik Weihenmayer, Amelia Earhart, Fredrick Douglas, Florence Nightingale, Einstein, Oprah Winfrey, and many many more.

I see these amazing people as BRAVE because they REBEL, Take planned RISK, PRACTICE what they preach, STAND UP for what they know to be TRUE, Support the pursuit of FREEDOM and HAPPINESS, ENRICH lives, and Have FUN. How INCREDIBLE would it FEEL to truly LIVE by these attributes? I wanna find out!

How about you? Who are your heroes and what attributes would you like to emulate and experience? I would love to hear what INSPIRES you and explore ways to incorporate those things in your life with you!


True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.
— Socrates

For many, educating one’s self is an act of REBELLION. LEARNING is an endeavor people have fought, risked freedom, and even died for. Learning is BRAVE. It’s a hard-earned privilege, a CHOICE, and an OPPORTUNITY.

I absolutely LOVE learning and exploring new ideas and perspectives and listening to people's stories. I’m still uncovering the mysteries within myself! In 2023 I completed the coaching program through the University of Wisconsin-Madison, an accredited and in-depth program where I learned how to truly SHOW UP for other Brave lives. In 2024 I took the International Coaching Federation accreditation exam and am now a ACC accredited life coach!

Learning is humbling. It’s not easy to admit I’m wrong or that I made the wrong choice at times. But that’s part of the falling-down-get-back-up process.

Change can sometimes be difficult and messy. Coaching provides a safe space to discover new ways of looking at challenges and opportunities. It doesn’t have to be hard. Learning can actually be fun when you have the freedom to try new things with me as your coach.

Brave Lace Glasses


Brave Lace and partner

Me and my husband, Ben.

The essence of trauma is disconnection. So the real question is how did we get separated and how do we connect?
— Dr. Gabor maté

I will be BRAVE with you. I’m COMMITTED to putting myself and my ‘stuff’ aside so I can be fully present to SEE, HEAR, and BE with you. Change is possible. It takes a commitment to yourself and your desire to get un-lost and chart the course of your true aspirations. I’m here for YOU! Let’s DO THIS!!!!


My little sister and I after transplant.

I know that CONNECTION heals, transforms, and enriches lives! This is the essence of my work as a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist. Trauma can have lasting and devastating effects on our brains and lives. The antidote is CONNECTING with one another. No matter what you want to do in life, doing it TOGETHER is a hell of a lot easier, less painful, and a hell of a lot more fun!